Tuscany, panoramic tower house for sale in Pelago near Florence

Buying a tower house in Tuscany is one of the most interesting and original housing options since, in the sector of houses for sale in Tuscany, we are talking about objects that are unique in terms of history, characteristics and geographical location. Especially in terms of landscape and panorama.

Panoramic tower house in Lorenzo Ghiberti square in Pelago (FIorence)

The subject of the sale is a Guelph watchtower house from the 1100s that belonged to the Guidi family in which I lived for several years before transferring my business to Sardinia. As per a special plaque placed by the Municipality of Pelago, Lorenzo Ghiberti was born in this village and spent his childhood within these walls. Hence the name of the square dedicated to the great Italian sculptor, goldsmith, architect and art writer of the Florentine Renaissance, author of the "Porte del Paradiso" of the Florence Baptistery.

Houses in Tuscany - Pelago, tower house for sale near Florence

The panoramic view of a tuscan tower house

In the Italian language Casa in Toscana in its most widespread meaning can only rhyme with panorama, especially if we talk about the hilly landscape that makes the Tuscan countryside one of the most beautiful and sought after in the world; both for tourism and for residential purposes.

A house in the Tuscan countryside or in small villages is often an elective choice for refined vacationers but also, (today more than ever) a residential option: both for second and first homes. An intelligent way to isolate yourself from the frenzy of the city which can still be reached in just over half an hour by car, as in the case of Pelago compared to Florence, separated by only 22 km.

In the case of Tuscan tower houses, the landscape is in fact an added value inherent in the architectural typology of the building, since the towers basically covered functions of sighting and defense.

Having bought the tower in 1992 and having been my residence for 22 years, I perfectly remember that the determination to purchase was triggered when I opened the door to the panoramic terrace and was literally overwhelmed by the breathtaking view overlooking the valley of the Vicano creek and the hills on the background with the sun illuminating the west facade of the tower until sunset

View from the west side window over the valley of the Vicano creek towards Florence

Description and characteristics of the property for sale

The tower is spread over 2 levels (4th floor and 5th floor as well as an attic gallery, which overlooks the latter, protected by a railing. The 5th and last floor has been renovated with a complete renovation of the roof with beams and joists in exposed chestnut wood and old terracotta tiles.

Although the two levels belong to the same real estate unit, they currently have independent entrances but it is possible to connect them by transforming the common staircase into an internal staircase. The tower is part of a condominium consisting of four real estate units distributed over the various levels. The 4th habitable floor is in good condition but needs to be refurbished (electrical and plumbing).

The super panoramic terrace which is accessed from the 4th floor, which is also practicable and already usable, also needs renovation. Ditto for the entrance hall and the condominium staircase. The 5th floor has been renovated and is heated with a pellet stove. Domestic water is currently supplied by an electric boiler and gas for the kitchen with LPG cylinders.

Panoramic tower house for sale in Pelago 22 km from Florence

Floor plans of the tower house




Historical notes of the Pelago Castle in which the ancient Guelph tower is inserted

Francesco Inghirami, View of Pelago, engraving 1818

Taken from the book "PELAGO HISTORY MONUMENTS WORKS OF ART" - Municipality of Pelago

"The Castle of Pelago, today the historic center of the town, is located on a hill at the foot of which flows the "Vicano" creek. The neo-Latin toponym "pelagus" denounces the presence of a settlement of Roman origin..."

"The structure of the medieval castrum of Pelago, recognizable in the agglomeration including the current Town Hall, the Rectory and the Church of San Clemete and the set of buildings that surround them which, as Francovich observes, clearly follow the perimeter of the ancient castle walls, it is probably prior to the first documents reporting it.

In addition to the external conformation, clearly legible from the east side, also the layout of the internal square, enclosed by buildings arranged in a circular direction, clearly show the existence of the ancient circuit.

However, there is another wall belt of which two broken towers and the path that descends in the shape of a "V" along the southern slope of the castrum and goes up on the eastern one can still be distinguished today."

Lorenzo Ghiberti square in Pelago | Alessandro Merlo

"Piazza Ghiberti, around which the primitive extra moenia settlement of the Pelago castle developed, has taken shape over the centuries, first as an artisan village and, subsequently, as a market place.

During the 19th century and until after the Second World War it continued to be the main commercial center of the town on which some valuable architectures have stood since the 14th century. The contributions contained in this volume document the square in its salient aspects, in view of the desirable valorisation.

Through the digital survey, the correct morphology of the road plans and of the buildings facing them was defined, as well as the state of conservation of the artefacts was certified. A parallel study of written (published and archived) and iconographic sources has also made it possible to identify some significant stages in the process of formation and transformation of the square."

go to the source

Images taken from "Piazza Ghiberti in Pelago" by Alessandro Merlo


Video with the Tower House in Piazza Ghiberti in Pelago - Florence

Birthplace of Lorenzo Ghiberti, Pelago extends from the plains to the mountains, and today plans to redevelop the ancient village. On the hills instead, between oil and wine, juniper is also grown. . .

Birthplace of Lorenzo Ghiberti, famous artist who also designed the Doors of Paradise in the Baptistery of Florence, Pelago is a municipality in the Metropolitan City of Florence that extends from the plains to the mountains, through verdant hills and imposing agricultural expanses. The capital, on the other hand, is characterized by a small ancient village, centered on the large square and made even more precious by the castle, which the Municipality is now planning to redevelop precisely in memory of Ghiberti.

Leonardo Bardazzi - Florence Tv

Pelago, his Ghiberti and open spaces. With gin and restorations


Affixing of Lorenzo Ghiberti commemorative plaquei

Affixing of the commemorative plaque of Lorenzo Ghiberti, famous sculptor and goldsmith, author of the famous Gates of Paradise of the Florence Baptistery. The plaque was placed on the wall of the apartment building in the tower where Lorenzo Ghiberti, born in Pelago, spent his childhood.
Project "La Ghibertiana"

La Ghibertiana

Sailko, CC BY 3.0, via Wikimedia Commons
The “Ghibertiana” project is the result of a coordinated action between the Departments DIDA (Department of Architecture), SAGAS (Department of History, Archaeology, Geography, Art, Performing Arts), DAGRI (Department of Agricultural, Food and Environmental Sciences and Technologies and Forestry), DINFO (Department of Information Engineering) of the University of Florence and the Municipality of Pelago (representing the Union of Municipalities of Valdarno and Valdisieve)..

Photo gallery of the tower house for sale

4th floor with panoramic terrace. Habitable, to be restored

5th floor Renovated

Under roof


Panoramic views from the terrace and tower windows

Crosses and delights from the tower house

The tower house is not for everyone and it is not an easy object. I lived there for 22 years and before I bought it, other families lived there, even with elderly people. You have to deal with the stairs and to get to the top of the tower we are talking about 4/5 floors.

If you love movement, that's guaranteed. Carrying the shopping up and then getting off and back on because you forgot something in the car is routine. As well as doing some acrobatics to carry furniture and bulky objects up since the stairs are narrow and in some places even low. But with a little patience everything is done.

As it is easy to understand, the watchtowers were not born as houses but with the function of territorial control and defense. The original structure, therefore dictated by their function, continues to be still incompatible with the conveniences of the single floor or the lift typical of civilian homes. The function of the towers required in fact to see far and wide. And today like yesterday, this result is guaranteed.

However, a type of Florentine tower house already existed in the 13th century, used as a home by powerful and wealthy families.

This elevation function, as well as involving effort, gives the tower house an extraordinary value of uniqueness and originality which, transcending today the original military function, is able to return very bright housing solutions, with breathtaking 360 ° panoramic glimpses of the extraordinary beauty of the countryside Tuscany.

A sort of symbolic prize that is always available and inalienable which compensates and repays those who live there, with a quantum of unique beauty, partially making one forget the small daily struggles of the stairs and the limited space available.

More information on the property for sale

Energy Performance Certificate


information to know before booking a visit

The condominium access and the stairs are to be restored

the condominium entrance hall and the access stairs to the tower need renovation. The first impact is decidedly negative since the staircase, in addition to its narrow and uncomfortable nature, is also badly lit. When you reach the top of the tower and catch your breath, the sensations are totally reversed in a positive and amazement sense.

The renovation is necessary both for plant engineering purposes (lighting, intercom, etc.) and for decoration purposes. The renovation costs are shared and must be divided on the basis of thousandths among the four owners.

The condominium, made up of the tower and the building which incorporates it on three sides from the level of Piazza Ghiberti up to the 3rd floor, underwent a major renovation about 30 years ago. The interventions involved the facades of the tower by removing the old plaster and restoring the original exposed stone structure. In addition of course to the total makeover of the plaster and stone frames of the building below. The wooden attic of the condominium entrance hall was also redone and made safe.


Regardless of the work to be carried out, the tower (not being and not being able to be equipped with a lift) is not suitable for people with significant walking difficulties or problems.

The selling price

The current sale price takes into account the work still to be carried out and the tower, except for the limitations listed above, is in any case immediately habitable, in particular the 5th and last floor which has been completely renovated.

the current price is €95,000 and the advertisement is present on the portals of real estate agencies but in the meantime it could undergo variations. Contact me for confirmation and for a private negotiation.

Directions for Pelago - Florence

Pelago is 22 km from South Florence, about 40 minutes by car

Click on the image to start the 3d view of Pelago

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